Bank of HollandFiserv Solutions, Inc.FREE In Google Play
Bank of HollandFiserv Solutions, Inc.FREE In Google Play
Bank of HollandFiserv Solutions, Inc.FREE In App Store
Bank of HollandFiserv Solutions, Inc.FREE In App Store

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation FDIC Insured - Backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government.

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation FDIC Insured - Backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government.

Personal Checking

Free checking is only the beginning at Bank of Holland. Plus, all of our accounts include these great benefits:


Benefits Include:

Advantage Plus Checking

"A better way to bank" is more than a's a way of life! One that puts money in your pocket just for doing things you already do. This free, high-interest checking account easily earns up to 3.00% APY* plus ATM fee refunds*—not just in Western New York, but nationwide! Even build your savings automatically by linking your rewards to a free Advantage Savings account.

Account Features

  • Earn 3.00% APY* on balances up to $15,000
  • Earn 3.00% to 0.47% APY on balances over $15,000, depending on balance in account*
  • Earn 0.05% APY* on entire balance if qualifications aren't met
  • Nationwide ATM fee refunds up to $20 a month*
  • No minimum balance required to earn rewards
  • Link to Advantage Savings for even greater benefit
  • $50 deposit to open; no minimum thereafter
  • FDIC insured (Up to the available limit)


OK. Technically there's no such thing as free money. But qualifying for these rewards is so easy, it might as well be. Simply do the following transactions and activities in Advantage Plus Checking each monthly qualification cycle:

  • Be enrolled and log into online banking
  • Be enrolled and receive eStatement notice
  • Have at least one direct deposit or automatic payment (ACH) post and settle
  • Have at least 12 signature-based debit card purchases post and settle

That's it. If you're not doing this already, you'll soon find how much time they save you. But if you don't qualify, don't worry. Advantage Plus Checking is still free and still earns our base rate of interest. You can get back to earning the full rewards the very next month.

*APY=Annual Percentage Yield. All interest rates by balance tiers and Annual Percentage Yield (APY) stated above are accurate as of today's date. Rates may change after account is opened. Minimum to open is $50 for Advantage Plus Checking and $0.01 for Advantage Savings. For Advantage Plus Checking, if qualifications are met each monthly qualification cycle: (1) Domestic ATM fees incurred during qualification cycle will be reimbursed up to $20 and credited to account immediately after qualifying; (2) balances up to $15,000 receive APY of 3.00%; and (3) balances over $15,000 earn 0.10% interest rate on the portion of the balance over $15,000, resulting in 3.00% - 0.47% APY depending on the balance. If qualifications are not met on Advantage Plus Checking all balances earn 0.05% APY. Qualifying transactions must post to and settle Advantage Plus Checking account during monthly qualification cycle. Transactions may take one or more banking days from the date transaction was made to post to and settle account. ATM-processed transactions do not count towards qualifying debit card transactions.. "Monthly Qualification Cycle" means a period beginning the first day of the current statement cycle through the last day of the current statement cycle. The advertised Advantage Plus Checking APY is based on compounding interest. Interest earned in Advantage Plus Checking is automatically transferred to Advantage Savings each statement cycle and does not compound. Actual interest amount paid may be less than advertised Advantage Plus Checking APY. The Advantage Savings APYs may be less than Advantage Plus Checking APYs. Transfers between accounts do not count as qualifying transactions. Fees may reduce earnings. Limit one account per social security number. Other restrictions may apply.

CashBack Checking

Spend cash, make some cash. Seems like a pretty good idea, doesn't it? That's exactly what this free account does — earn cash back* on your debit card purchases up to $10 per month.

Account Features

  • Cash back on debit card purchases*
  • • $1000.01 or more & qualifications met earns $10.00
    • $700.01 - $1000.00 & qualifications met earns $8.00
    • $500.01 - 700.00 & qualifications met earns $6.00
    • $200.01 - $500.00 & qualifications met earns $4.00
    • $0.01 - $200.00 & qualifications met earns $2.00.
  • No category restrictions on purchases
  • Cash back earned on up to $1,000 in purchases monthly
  • Earn up to $10 cash back per month
  • No minimum balance to earn rewards
  • No minimum deposit to open

*No minimum balance required to open CashBack Checking. When monthly qualifications are met, you will receive cash back on debit card purchases that post to and settle account during monthly qualification cycle up to a total cash back of $10 per monthly qualification cycle. Qualifying transactions must post to and settle CashBack Checking account during monthly qualification cycle. They may not be in a pending state to qualify as one of the qualifications. Transactions may take one or more banking days from the date transaction was made to post to and settle account. ATM-processed transactions do not count towards qualifying debit card transactions for purposes of earning rewards within this account. "Monthly Qualification Cycle" means a period beginning first day of the current statement cycle through the last day of the current statement cycle. Transfers between accounts do not count as qualifying transactions. Limit one account per Social Security Number (SSN).



Earning rewards with this account is so easy, you probably won't even have to think about it. To earn your rewards, simply do the following activities and transactions in your CashBack Checking account each monthly qualification cycle:

  • Have at least 12 signature-based debit card purchases post and settle
  • Be enrolled and receive eStatement notice
  • Be enrolled and log into online banking
  • Have at least 1 direct deposit or automatic payment (ACH) post and settle

That's it! And even if you don't meet the qualifications, don't worry — you'll still have a free account. And you get right back to earning cash back the following month!

Free Personal Checking

We think being "old school" is a good thing. After all, old school includes free checking with no minimum balance. While other banks are adding new fees, Bank of Holland is keeping it real. Not that we take the throwback thing too far. This account includes online banking, mobile banking, and more advanced services. A little of the old, a lot of the new—perfect for you.

Account Features

  • No minimum balance requirement
  • Free telephone banking
  • Free direct deposit services
  • FDIC insured (Up to the available limit)

Delivery of your monthly statement is electronically (valid email address is required).

Senior Checking

If you have enough candles on your birthday cake, you're eligible for free extras from your Bank of Holland checking account. Include a direct deposit of a regular income (such as retirement check, paycheck, Social Security, etc.) for an additional *freebie. Without a direct deposit you still get our premium services like online banking and bill pay. 

Account Features

  • Available to customers age 55 and better
  • No minimum balance requirement
  • Free "Specialty Paper" Wallet Style checks
  • Free direct deposit service, which adds the following freebie

    *Free small safety deposit box rental (while supplies last)

  • Free telephone banking
  • FDIC insured (Up to the available limit)

Smart Start Account

Looking for a simple account with no minimum balance requirements and convenient access to your money? Our Smart Start Account is a checking account free from the hassle of overdraft and insufficient fund fees1. This account includes many conveniences of traditional checking accounts and was specifically designed for those taking steps toward financial wellness.


Account Features

Smart Start Account
  • No minimum balance
  • Free Online Banking with Bill Pay
  • Mobile Banking with Mobile Check Deposit
  • MasterMoney debit card
  • Free eStatements
  • $2 monthly fee applied for paper statements
  • Low monthly service charge of $5*
  • FDIC Insured (Up to the available limit)
1 If you do not have sufficient funds available in your account to cover a transaction, the transaction will be declined in most cases. In the case that your account is overdrawn, you will not be charged an overdraft fee.
*To avoid a $5.00 monthly service charge:
• Have at least one (1) transaction post to your account during the month. Transactions are defined as any deposit, withdrawal, or debit card transaction.
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